CSGODUCK - $0.25 for free!

Get a $0.25 skin for free, with CSGODuck!

Would you like to receive a $0.25/$0.5 skin for free, which can be withdrawn instantly (no deposits needed!)? We're going to show you how.

What do I need to do to be able to receive it?
  1.  You must have Counter-Strike: Global Offensive in your Steam Library (just own the game);
  2. Your Steam Profile must be public/open (not private).
  3. That's it! If you have CS:GO and your profile is public, you're eligible to get a $0.25 skin!
Okay, now what must I do?
  1. Go to this LINK
  2. Login with Steam (they can't get your private info, only if you own CS:GO, how many hours you played, etc).
  3. Click on Settings (top right part of the website, close to your profile picture) and enter your trade url (you can find it there, just click on "Get TradeLink").
  4. After you've logged in with Steam, go to the "Referral" tab (Click here for example)
  5. Write the code "gyzduc"
  6. Done! $0.25 will be added to your account's balance on CSGODuck!
  7. Now click on "Bonus Store" (close to the Referral tab) and choose a skin worth $0.25 and click on "Buy to site inv." (you'll buy the skin with the money you just got).
  8. Click on "Site Inv" (close to the Bonus Store tab), and you'll find the skin you chose there!
  9. Go to site inv. and click on "Send to Steam". That's it! You'll receive the skin you bought via a Trade Offer.
You can also use the website to do coinflips, you'll have a 50% chance of winning (and doubling your skin's value), and 50% chance of losing your skin. It's risky, so it's not recommended.
    That's it! I hope you enjoy your skin!

    IF THE WEBSITE DOES NOT HAVE ANY $0.25 SKIN, JUST WAIT A WHILE. They usually restock their Bonus Store every few hours. Don't worry, your $ won't go away!


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